torsdag 30. september 2010

søndag 26. september 2010

lørdag 11. september 2010


investigating blogger on my mobile.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9

søndag 5. september 2010


Drove to Øygarden with my brother this evening. An incredible nice road trip where I filmed and took many pictures.

onsdag 1. september 2010

Troll Windpower

Today was the first day of my school trip to Bergen, I visited  Troll Windpower and spoke with Project director, Christer Olerud, and discussed the future of offshore windpower and substations. Troll Windpower is at present time in the detail design face of Troll Rosenberg Offshore Substation. They have also recently done a study for a wind farms with floating Hywind turbines for Statoil. 

I was educated in the different parts and aspects of their substations. And got the opportunity to ask lots of questions about their design. All in all a very good meeting. We agreed to keep in touch.