mandag 30. august 2010


Tomorrow I'm leaving for Bergen, where I will be visiting  Troll windpower, CMR and Øygarden. At Troll windpower I hope to get a better understanding of what a substation is and how it works. CMR are researching wind turbulence and how to simulate wind. Øygarden is a good place to travel to get a first hand look at a potential site for a floating wind farm in the future.

søndag 29. august 2010

Floating Production Storage and Offloading

A floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit is a floating vessel used by the offshore industry for the processing and storage of oil and gas. A FPSO vessel is designed to receive oil or gas produced from nearby platforms or subsea template, process it, and store it until oil or gas can be offloaded onto a tanker or transported through a pipeline. FPSOs are preferred in frontier offshore regions as they are easy to install, and do not require a local pipeline infrastructure to export oil and gas. FPSOs can be a conversion of an oil tanker or can be a vessel built specially for the application. A vessel used to store oil only is referred to as a floating storage and offloading vessel (FSO).Wikipedia

lørdag 28. august 2010

Spar platform

A spar, named for logs used as buoys in shipping and moored in place vertically, is a type of floating oil platform typically used in very deep waters. Spar production platforms have been developed as an alternative to conventional platforms. wikipedia. A spare platform buoy is also used as the floating fundament for the Hywind windmill!

fredag 27. august 2010

Sevan technology

The Sevan technology developed for offshore installations meets the oil and gas industry's long standing challenge for versatility, flexibility, and fast deployment. The Sevan design has proved to be an efficient basis for Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) units as well as for deep water Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU). The three Sevan FPSO's currently installed at their respective locations; FPSO Sevan Piranema in Brazil, and FPSO Sevan Hummingbird and FPSO Sevan Voyageur in the North Sea, have demonstrate d to meet these challenges and provide confidence that the Sevan technology will continue to perform successfully also on future developments.

The main components of the Sevan FPSO's and MODU are the cylindrical hull. The FPSOs utilize the hull for cargo storage and segregated ballast tanks as well as for marine and utility systems.

The MODU has mud and drill water storage in the hull as well as cargo and ballast tanks. Pumps and other utility systems related both to the drilling equipment and to the marine systems are located inside the hull. A large moon pool is arranged in the centre of the MODU hull.

The Sevan hull is suitable for operation in water depths ranging from 30 m to more than 3,000 m and Sevan units may operate in both benign and harsh environments. Model tests have been made for the most extreme North Atlantic conditions as well as for the toughest cyclonic conditions with excellent results.

torsdag 26. august 2010


RP FLIP (Fl oating I nstrument P latform) is an open ocean research vessel owned by the Office of Naval Research and operated by the Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The ship is a 355 feet (108 meters) long vessel designed to partially flood and pitch backward 90 degrees, resulting in only the front 55 feet (17 meters) of the vessel pointing up out of the water, with bulkheads becoming floors. When flipped, most of the buoyancy for the platform is provided by water at depths below the influence of surface waves, hence FLIP is a stable platform mostly immune to wave action. At the end of a mission, compressed air is pumped into the ballast tanks in the flooded section and the vessel returns to its horizontal position so it can be towed to a new location. The ship is frequently mistaken for a capsized ocean transport ship.Wikipedia

tirsdag 24. august 2010

ONS 2010

ONS 2010, started today, unfortunately I can't be there, there would probably have been lots of people to talk to about the project. Spent today trying to get hold of people that all are at ONS in Stavanger, and unable to come to the phone!

søndag 22. august 2010

Statoil ditching renewable?

Chief Executive Officer Helge Lund in Statoil says that the company the coming years needs to consider weather their investments in green energy is viable, if Statoil should go back being a pure oil and gas company. I think that a company like Statoil would miss a fantastic opportunity to become a leading player, in what potentially can become a huge green industry. An adventure that has no end to it. The green projects can give the oil giant an other leg to stand on!

tirsdag 17. august 2010

Statoil Considers Sites in Scotland

Statoil, plans to build a demonstration site testing Hywind wind turbines and is considering two sites off the Scottish coast. Statoil is also considering Norway and the U.S. state of Maine to test the commercial potential of its project, said company spokesman Oistein Johannessen today . Statoil plans to decide on the site in 2011, he said.

mandag 16. august 2010


Hadde en veldig hyggelig prat med Sjur E. Bratland sjef for Statoils Hywind i dag. Vi diskuterte mulighetene for et samarbeid og jeg fikk høre hvordan han så for seg fremtidens utvikling. Han skulle i møte med den skotske førsteministeren, Alex Salmond, for å drøfte et energisamarbeid mellom Norge og Skottland.

torsdag 12. august 2010

Statoil and Statkraft Develop Offshore Wind Farm in the UK. This video gives a good understanding off how the principle off windmills and the substations works together.

tirsdag 10. august 2010


siphonophore er en orden av nesledyr, der mange individer går sammen om å danne en stor flytende koloni. Individene har forskjellige oppgaver og bygning. Dette gjør at kolonien minner om et enkeltdyr, der individene tilsvarer organer hos andre dyr.